27/07/2024 08:40Thi Viện - Kho tàng thi ca Việt Nam và thế giới

Sonnet 23
Sonnet 23

Tác giả: Hàn Quốc Vũ - Phan Quốc Vũ

Nước: Việt Nam; Thời kỳ: Hiện đại
Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 08/07/2023 21:10


Nguyên tác

The chest, lips you saved for him with all hearts
Which you have just said that your love was dead
I told never cut our love’s loving parts
But it was real the nice love was buried

So many a momentary holy tear
Just being the fallen rain from your eye
Or the rock of the neighbor now appear
But it’s the wonderful play in you lie!

Rather than you shotted the Springs do live
Hanging love story of our lover gone
Sacrificed virgin for him as did give:
Me, it’s me life of poet - a sad bone!

Our images I loved that I couldn’t see
And you, the nice traitor in soul of me.
In Tien Giang province, 2023

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