14/05/2024 16:55Thi Viện - Kho tàng thi ca Việt Nam và thế giới

Những ký ức quay về
The returning memories

Tác giả: Hàn Quốc Vũ - Phan Quốc Vũ

Nước: Việt Nam; Thời kỳ: Hiện đại
Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 08/07/2023 14:14


Nguyên tác

Memories are things written on brain paper
Turning into magic forever anesthetic

You are like a so sparkling pearl by night,
I saw it once and lost track of it
Which ruby lips smiled like the sine wave
Behold the Mekong River hair and the seductive scent of Cindy
A lot of letters to you that were long in anticipation
The street of cars was strangely busy in my heart
When I was a student, I craved love like ripe tamarind, sour mango
Craving the sea with a shore of love
Tired old bike with long rotation
A high dream in low poverty
The beautiful memories went step by step with us quietly
Like peach blossoms scattered along the painful river

Come on baby, poetry is a dream of riding a cloud!
For me falling on my stomach and break my neck
With love the shadow of a long dream
The drunk heart increases self-esteem
Knowing that love is a difficult task, isn’t it?
Certificate of Gold Award to Han Quoc Vu, Thursday challenge, theme: I Remember, given this 10th day of March 2022 by United Poet @ Heart.

In từ trang: https://www.thivien.net/ » Hàn Quốc Vũ » Những ký ức quay về