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Tạo ngày 27/06/2018 22:25, số lượt xem: 151
You want to know more about contractium, bounty & airdropbounty & airdrop and ICO. You wonder a full information to figure out Contractium, bounty & airdrop, ICO. Let access and see all you need in here.
What is the Contracium?
Contracium is a decentralized software that runs smart contracts based on Ethereum Smart Contract Platform. That makes Contractium become a part of Ethereum network.
This project is bootstrapped via an CTU token presale in March 2018 by contributors all around the world and quickly become the best software for contracter.
How does it operate?
Contracium runs exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third party interference. It runs on a custom built blockchain, an enormously…