Woman-person was borne by man-person

I died and dissipated together destiny
A bit of shapely body despaired from ancient time
I died and should be – happy
Be out of sufferings…
Very light – Ramble

He draged one’s steps in the world
Heavily exhausting…
Lone orphan while cold fetter tightened legs of oneself
He lightly inclined head of hair neglectfully
Vaguely looked for to sound of footstep

And predetermination was noisy like whirlwind
Not to be in time to ask my permission
Not to be in time to ask his permission
He gestated me
In a orphan dreadful mood
I – woman-person was borne by man-person..!

Woman-person was borne by man-person
Woman-person was resurrected from the dead
He - man-person borne me
Man-person smashed the chains

Woman-person was borne by man-person
Always forlorn in this world-marked of disorder
Woman-person was borne by man-person
Throughout one’s life is unsteady

Not to be in time to ask my permission…
Not to be in time to ask his permission…
I’m very cold – and I’m
Very lonely…

Hey! Predetermination
Give me back to place that blood meat borne me..!