04/05/2024 07:52Thi Viện - Kho tàng thi ca Việt Nam và thế giới

Let me sing a new song for the Lord!

Tác giả: Hàn Quốc Vũ - Phan Quốc Vũ

Thể thơ: Thơ tự do; Nước: Việt Nam; Thời kỳ: Hiện đại
Đăng bởi Phan Quốc Vũ vào 21/12/2016 21:47


Oh, my Lord! Oh, my Lord!
Let me sing a new song for you!
Oh, my Lord! Oh, my Lord!
Let me praise the sound of the flute: praise Him with all my soul
Let me sing in every circumstance, happy or unhappy
For the Lord took glory from our songs
Praise the Lord both the Heaven and Hell
Praise the Lord in the universe
The cosmos of yours
Everybody praises Him
Everything praises Him more
Who are we?
Tomorrow we will die
No time for Him, no time for us
Quick, quick, quick!
Praise ye the Lord.
Cái Bè, Tiền Giang, 2016

In từ trang: https://www.thivien.net/ » Hàn Quốc Vũ » Let me sing a new song for the Lord!